30/10/96 Oh well... Im a yack! and these headings center! I started this news thingy approximatly 22 hours ago and now it is ready to be released ... it kicks over the one i was talking about in the first bulliten... enjoy once again.. **** 30/10/96 eat my shorts! dick heads! moo **** 30/10/96 same to you buddy! kowabunga! **** 30/10/96 Its still the 30/10/96! Why??? It has seemed to go on forever!!! Moo cows eating grass!!! so take that!.... moose haed! **** 30/10/96 Booring! WEll im sitting at skool typing this so obviously I must be quite fucking bored indeede!!! yip!! **** 30/10/96 News Progy! Hello there... how are you today... Welcome to the mur.news.ansi generating program.. preddy snazzy! I coded this in about 2 hours (12pm - 2am) on this day (wednesday 30th Oct 96) Hope you enjoy... "no, i don't think that i will enjoy it, so mind your own business"...Phroggie ****